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우리는 주의 어린이 시즌II


제이키즈 바이블스토리 - 누가복음 2화 세례요한 이야기1 작성일 2017.04.23 조회 수:216
작성자 pinetree713

During the time when Herod ruled Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah.

And his wife name was Elizabeth. 

Zechariah and Elizabeth were both good people who pleased God.

They did everything the Lord commanded, always following his instructions completely. 

But they had no children.

Elizabeth could not have a baby, and both of them were very old.

Zechariah was serving as a priest before God.

There was a large crowd outside praying at the time the incense was offered.

Then, on the right side of the incense table, an angel of the Lord came and stood before


When he saw the angel, Zechariah was upset and very afraid. 

But the angel said to him, “Zechariah, don’t be afraid.

Your prayer has been heard by God.

Your wife Elizabeth will give birth to a baby boy, and you will name him John.


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