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우리는 주의 어린이 시즌II


제이키즈 바이블스토리 - 누가복음 8화 시므온의 찬양 작성일 2017.04.23 조회 수:299
작성자 pinetree713

A man named Simeon lived in Jerusalem.

He was a good man who was devoted to God.

The Holy Spirit was with him. 

The Holy Spirit told him that he would not die before he saw the Messiah from the Lord. 

The Spirit led Simeon to the Temple.

So he was there when Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to do what the Jewish law said they must do. 

Simeon took the baby in his arms and thanked God:

“Now, Lord, you can let me, your servant, die in peace as you said.

I have seen with my own eyes how you will save your people.

Now all people can see your plan.

He is a light to show your way to the other nations.

And he will bring honor to your people Israel.”

Jesus’ father and mother were amazed at what Simeon said about him


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