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우리는 주의 어린이 시즌II


제이키즈 바이블스토리 - 누가복음 3화 세례요한이야기2 작성일 2017.04.23 조회 수:195
작성자 pinetree713

Zechariah, don’t be afraid. Your wife Elizabeth will give birth to a baby boy, and you will

name him John. 

You will be very happy, and many others will share your joy over his birth. 

He will be a great man for the Lord.

He will never drink wine or beer. Even before he is born, he will be filled with the Holy Spirit.

John will help many people of Israel return to the Lord their God. 

John himself will go ahead of the Lord and make people ready for his coming.

He will be powerful like Elijah and will have the same spirit.

He will make peace between fathers and their children.

Zechariah said to the angel, “How can I know that what you say is true? I am an old man,

and my wife is also old.”

The angel answered him, “I am Gabriel, the one who always stands ready before God. He

sent me to talk to you and to tell you this good news." 

Later, Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth became pregnant.


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